- Oxygen monitoring and control in real time
- Allevation of possible sufferings of the alive fish during transport
- Emergency management
- GPS Satellite tracking of the vehicles
- Opportunity for the customer to control the status of delivery

The modem GPRS/GPS sends the suveys on-web giving the possibility to control from outstation in real time, simple via Internet.
Thus you can see any time the values of oxygen an temperature, route and speed of trucks. Values and temperature will be managed in tabular form that graphics and historians will be maintened for the time decided by the user. Through management of the various transports and travels, we can give the opportunity to the final customer to connect via special account and check the status of delivery.
New service for the customer of transport company: the tracking
service provider transport creates the trip on the score, generates a password that will communicate to the customer, so he can see position and status of the fishes , he may use all tracking functions relatively its trip.