AQUAFARM 2019 13-14 Febbraio

Il Progetto Si terrà il 13 e 14 febbraio 2019, nel quartiere fieristico di Pordenone, Aquafarm 2019, la terza edizione della mostra-convegno internazionale dedicata alle tecnologie, ai prodotti e alle buone pratiche della produzione sostenibile di cibo dall’acqua. AQUAFARM 2019: Un evento internazionale di due giorni dedicato e riservato agli operatori del settore dell’acquacoltura sostenibile euro-mediterranea, una delle attività di produzione alimentare con il tasso di crescita…

AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia October 16-20

One of the factors that may contribute to the lack of positive growth in the aquaculture sector, is the lack of cooperation between operators in the sector. This may be regarding production (breeding programmes, feed resources, benchmarking technical performance…), pro-motion and market intelligence or training and knowledge management, including open access publications. Turning policy into…

AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia October 16-20

One of the factors that may contribute to the lack of positive growth in the aquaculture sector, is the lack of cooperation between operators in the sector. This may be regarding production (breeding programmes, feed resources, benchmarking technical performance…), pro-motion and market intelligence or training and knowledge management, including open access publications. Turning policy into…